Since BF has officially announced challenge, the heat is equally on here.
I jump started working out again today after almost a two-week hiatus on the time of the Texas trip and after. Although, we did go workout together at Rec on Monday the 25th. It wasn't an intensive session, but it was better than nothing.
Tuesday, June 30thYoga 1 hr
Bike 1/2 hour
Reading: Final reading of The Handbook for Parents for a book review I am doing.
I almost couldn't make it to the end of the yoga session. I had sweat coming out of my forehead, which normally didn't happen on yoga sessions with other trainer. This session wasn't harder than those. Also I yawned several times, in what I'm guessing, is the brain's cry for help for a lack of oxygen. I'm correlating this with my change in diet.
My weight has been going down since Sunday. I've started eating mostly salad and snacking on healthy stuff and fruits instead of the usual high calories Trader Joe's choc-filled cereal and chips. I can see a good sign coming my way. Also, I've stopped the using of a certain topical hair loss treatment. I'm blaming the sudden weight gain partially on it.